Home/Discover/History/Son Serra de Marina

Son Serra de Marina is the other town in the district of Santa Margalida. Its origin was recent, since in the early 50s began a strong process of urbanization. Thus, in a few years it became an idyllic place for residents of the island.

Today, the virgin nature still lingers in Son Serra de Marina, which makes it a perfect place for visitors and residents looking to enjoy nature and tranquility. In fact, for many the beach still it retains the charm of pristine beaches that were on the island of Mallorca in the past.

The main attraction is its beach and activities related to it. The small village is one of the more popular areas for lovers of water sports like surfing or kite-surfing, wind-surfing, etc.

In conclusion, Son Serra de Marina is an alternative to mass tourism points of the island. Its beach, the null presence of hotels and its location makes it a perfect place to enjoy the holidays in harmony with nature.

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