Home/Tourist quality/Tourism Advisory Council

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The Tourism Advisory Council is the consultative body for dialogue and debate on matters related to tourism in the municipality. It is made up of public and private bodies and allows the participation of citizens in tourism matters to be channelled.

The main functions of the Tourism Advisory Council are as follows:

  1. To create a space for information, study and debate where the various institutional, economic and social agents working in the tourism sector have a place and are integrated.
  2. To promote and encourage economic activity in Can Picafort.
  3. To study the economic and tourist reality of the municipality, to analyse and provide facilities to promote new business formulas.
  4. To encourage the rational use of available natural resources.
  5. To propose the commissioning and carrying out of studies, justifying the need.
  6. To coordinate the participation of the sectors involved in the economic activity of Can Picafort in order to promote inter-sectorial cooperation and establish work synergies.
  7. To be a consultative body in decision-making on issues that have an impact and interest in the sector.
  8. To present suggestions, complaints, initiatives and non-binding proposals to the Santa Margalida Town Council, so that they can be discussed by the competent body.
  9. To submit proposals for the consideration of the governing bodies of the Santa Margalida Town Council or other institutions or organisations in the area of the general objectives of promoting and boosting tourism in Can Picafort.
  10. To monitor the municipal management of tourism.


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