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Can Picafort, a smart tourist destination!

Since 2021, our municipality has been a member of the network of Smart Tourist Destinations, after having been evaluated by SEGITTUR. Being part of this network involves the establishment of a strategy of revaluation of our destination according to five axes: governance, innovation, technology, sustainability and accessibility; promoting an integrated vision of the territory including all areas of management and all actors that affect and participate in its development.

The methodological process is divided into two cycles: 1) Diagnosis and planning: comprehensive diagnosis of the destination and drafting of an action plan that integrates the destination’s strategy for its transformation into a Smart Tourism Destination. 2) Execution and monitoring: implementation of the action plan. From here, the destination enters a process of continuous improvement that will guarantee its capacity to successfully face the challenges and transformations posed by the new economic, social and technological environment.

The award is the result of having passed the analysis of more than 400 indicators linked to the five axes of SEGITTUR’s DTI model. Of the areas analysed, Sustainability is the one where our municipality has achieved the highest compliance, with 75.7%. This is followed by Governance with 59.5%, Accessibility with 43%, Technology with 34% and Innovation with 32%.

With the diagnosis, an Action Plan is available with strategic lines for our municipality to become a Smart Tourist Destination. In this way, Santa Margalida will be guided by the DTI methodology of SEGITTUR to advance in its tourism transformation. The distinctive is the support that certifies compliance with the requirements established in the methodology and recognises the effort and commitment to quality and continuous improvement.


Analysing the axis of sustainability, it can be said that Santa Margalida is committed to safeguarding its heritage, both cultural and artistic as well as natural and environmental, and to promoting the economic and social sustainability of the destination. In relation to governance, it is worth highlighting the creation of the Tourism Advisory Council. According to SEGITTUR, this is an excellent tourism policy based on quality and public-private collaboration.

With regard to technology, it should be noted that Santa Margalida is committed to the intensive use of technologies applied to governance. On the other hand, there is also a strong commitment to innovation as a lever to take advantage of new challenges that arise in the tourism and general context. Finally, in the area of accessibility, the Santa Margalida Town Council is committed to inclusive tourism. In this way, our municipality and its tourist resources can be visited regardless of the physical and sensory abilities of each person.

As for the recommendations proposed to the Town Council, the configuration of a Smart Office as a coordination instrument for the management and planning of the whole process of converting the municipality to the DTI model for tourism stands out.


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