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Throughout history the strategic importance of the Bay of Alcudia has given way to the entrance of different civilizations. On the other hand, religious buildings make up the human landscape of the municipality. The main inheritance obtained after the Catalan conquest are the ecclesiastical monuments. In addition, Santa Margalida is a land of a rich cultural heritage that keeps alive many festivals and traditions.

This historical heritage is now the subject of visit by tourists and island residents. Thus, the municipality of Santa Margalida becomes a place where tourism, culture and heritage converge in harmony.

Protected natural areas

Our municipality is located between two important natural parks: Finca Pública de Son Real and Parc Natural de s’Albufera de Mallorca. On the one hand, the Finca Pública de Son Real is a natural and historical treasure, thanks to the presence of numerous archaeological sites, its dune system and other ethnological elements. On the other hand, the Parc Natural de s’Albufera de Mallorca is the largest wetland in the Balearic Islands and has become a special protection area for birds (ZEPA) and a place of community importance (LIC). Due to these facts, different itineraries can be found to enjoy its nature and fauna.

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Patrimonial Elements

Around Can Picafort and the municipality of Santa Margalida, you can find a lot of archaeological remains. Much of these remains are of considerable importance, both for its condition and its uniqueness.

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Can Picafort, a sea of ​​culture

The City of Santa Margalida has made a bold bid to promote culture and strengthen local identity through various cultural projects. The first thing to note is the Saladina Art Fest, which aims to give a new image to the people. The other cultural element is the set of sculptures by Joan Bennàssar, which aim to convert Can Picafort cultural reference in the Bay of Alcudia. Finally, there is also the Marimón Contemporary Art Gallery and the Son Real Museum.

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