Santa Margalida has made a bold commitment to promote culture and enhance local identity through various cultural projects. In this way, Can Picafort wants to become the cultural reference of reference in the north of the island and the Bay of Alcudia in particular. This initiative aims to give a new image to the village, strengthen the links between the environment and its residents, and offer a cultural alternative to everyone who comes to Can Picafort. In short, the aim is to turn Can Picafort into the new Ithaca of the Mediterranean.

Joan Bennàssar’s sculptures also aim to turn Can Picafort into the cultural reference of the Bay of Alcudia, and to turn culture into one of the main assets of local tourism. These pieces of cement, mainly women between 1.5 and 3 meters, are goddesses and fairies who dialogue with nature and the sea, which in turn evoke ancient Mediterranean civilizations. These are distributed in 4 groups and are located on the beach along the promenade: desire, ritual, treasure and wound.